Tuesday, 25 May 2010

BLUR OUT 28/05/10 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 OUT 02/07/10

Blur out this Friday its like a cross between Wipeout HD and Burnout Paradise

Metacritic ratings

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 out 2nd July with the new Ryder Cup Mode

Also new up to twelve v twelve online play

This is a LTMWB Production


  1. I'm not sure if Blur will be all that great. I am downloading the Tiger Woods demo. Should be good. I wonder if you get women as prizes? he he.

  2. Ive been looking at Blur but Im not so sure its really going to hold me longer than NFS or Grid did.

    I'm still playing loads of Battlefield Bad Company 2 on my PC and am waiting for APB to come out. That looks good!

  3. Well av bin playing Blur since thursday its good like the 24 stlye start with previously on Blur says wot u av dun in the game. Not the best driving game I av played but passes a bit of time

    Got to say Tiger Woods looks the Dogs Bollocks from the demo particulary like the Ryder Cup on it
